Therio-gel User’s Stories

Send us your clinic, lab, kennel or farm’s Therio-gel story!

“Therio-gel* has been terrific, particularly for difficult stallions that need lubrication of the AV more than once. The lubricant certainly has no effect on motility up to 48 hrs after collection… I was able to improve 3 stallions that were considered poor semen shippers, to an acceptable level of motility at 36 hours after collection, just by changing to Therio-gel.”

Dr. JS Langley, BC

“We have used Therio-gel* during semen collection and artificial insemination procedures with a number of exotic species and are very pleased with the results!”

Dr. JO San Diego, CA

“Due to its non-irritating nature, I have found Therio-gel* is great for sheath cleaning. It dissolves secretions easily and need not be rinsed out. I have had horses with chronically thickened sheath skin and foul smelling discharge, improve dramatically when other products for cleaning were discontinued and Therio-gel was used instead.”

Dr. KB Spokane, WA

“Therio-gel* does what it says… It’s smooth and easy to use and less messy. I have used it on my Bulldogs who need AI…I would recommend it to all. Thank you for a great product.”

IC Bell, FL

“I started to use Therio-gel*…and found my stallion’s penis is much less irritated by the disposable liners we use. I need to use much less of the Therio-gel…so cost of use is about the same…Most importantly, his semen are longer lived with a much higher percentage of motile sperm than when I had to use a large amount of the other lube.”

MH Kirkland, IL

“Our mare had huge open wounds on both her back legs due to a fence injury. It has taken a year of nursing to get her back to functioning. At first we tried every salve and ointment under her dressings. Then we switched to Therio-gel* and it was amazing! It really helped her heal faster and the tissues looked clean and healthy each day when we changed the bandages.”

JC, Spangle WA

“Just wanted you to know that I used Therio-gel* on all of our stallions for shipping and it was wonderful. I really liked it on our 24 yr old stallion. His semen stayed excellent with the use of the Therio-gel.”

TM Rogersville MO

*Formerly Pre-Seed EQ
Veterinary lubricant for horse breeding and dog breeding
For Animal Use Only

User Story

“Just wanted you to know that I used Therio-gel* on all of our stallions for shipping and it was wonderful. I really liked it on our 24 yr old stallion. His semen stayed excellent with the use of the Therio-gel.”

TM Rogersville MO

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